On January 2019, I decided to sit down with nothing but my wits and a microphone and chronicle my life story and family history from my conception to present day. I had many reasons for doing this, but the main reason was simply closure. I've been estranged from my family for about 5 years. The home in which I grew up was riddled with toxicity generally marked by physical and verbal abuse.
I spent much of my life pretending to be "normal." I tried to present myself to outsiders as well-adjusted and generally sane, because I was embarrassed and ashamed of the truth. In an effort to rid myself of that embarrassment and shame, I decided to tell my story completely, objectively and honestly.
Click here to access the legacy archive. These recordings will be hard to listen to. I suggest carving out at least an hour and waiting until you can be someplace quiet. The subject matter is not conducive to "on-the-go" listening (car, train, etc). People have told me that the content must be consumed slowly.
For now, what lies ahead is not yet written, not yet known. So, let us see what shall become of me.