There was a horrible ice storm and, when it hit, I almost went back into my dark and twisty place. Hehe. I had really thought that all of that badness was in the past. Spring was supposed to have sprung or whatever, dammit! Luckily, it only lasted for a few days. By the coming weekend, most of the snow had melted away. There are still some unpleasant reminders scattered about here and there. T_T
You can probably make out some of the dying snow mounds behind me. Bah. Go away, Winter!!!!! I was determined not to go back to the darkness, so I picked three bright colours and set out to create an outfit that would feel like the Spring we were supposed to be having, but also while trying to avoid looking like a clown. Haha. I'm still very much a novice when it comes to wearing brights.
Soooo, yeah. This is what I came up with. I've had the orange dress foreeeeever. I got it in a swap and just never had a good chance to wear it. The pumpkin colour is so lovely for Fall, but there's no way I was going to let more time to pass before finally wearing it. The fabric and cut are unforgiving. They show every line and every bump. I wish it wasn't as form fitting, but I just fell in love with the perforated collar. <3 It's worth it just for that, IMO. I also dug out my trusty blue floral Spring tights. I don't think I've ever worn them with orange before and I can't understand why it never occurred to me, because I think they make such a great pairing. I included the yellow coat for additional brightness and that's that. :D
Hopefully, I don't look like a clown, but if I do, maybe I was the best looking clown in town? Haha. <3
Thrifted - Brown Hat, Brown Tortoise Cat Eye Glasses (Swap Group), ModCloth Orange Dress
(Swap Group), ModCloth Blue Floral Tights (Sale) & Brown Wingtip Oxfords (Gift)
c/o Choies - Mustard Yellow Wool Long Line Coat
c/o Sammydress - Cream Scalloped Satchel