Oh, man. It's almost October, you guys! :P~ Technically, the beginning of Fall was last Thursday, but it's not really Autumn until I see bare trees and multicolored leaves lining the sidewalks. I can't wait! ^_^
Since, I just couldn't help myself, I decided to wear something with a bit of an Autumn flair and with deliberate vintage charm, because I felt like I hadn't worn anything super retro in awhile. The granny chic vibe was very strong on this day. Haha. I happily gave into it. Also, I somehow managed to wear a completely thrifted outfit. It's always nice when that happens. I wasn't even trying, either. Hehe.
So, I got a compliment on my "top" at the brunch place I went to. It's actually a dress, though. :D If you follow my blog, then you probably already recognized it. I've worn it tucked into pants, but I decided to try it out with the cumin skirt, this time. I love this skirt to death and I barely find myself wearing it. Story of my life. Heh. The brown hat and brown vintage tassel loafers are recent thrift finds. I love my man shoes. Haha. Men's shoes are always so much more comfortable for me. It's kinda ridiculous.
I feel like I kinda want to do some scary outfits. >:D I'll see what I can do about putting together some craziness for October. I don't mind being cute. I guess I just like to occasionally terrify people. Hehe.
Thrifted - Brown Hat, Brown Tortoise Cat Eye Glasses (Swap Group), Apple Dress (Swap
Group), ModCloth Cumin Skirt (Swap Group) & Men's Brown Vintage Tassel Loafers