Just on my way to the 'ol newsroom. Y'all know how it is. Yep. No big deal. Hehe. ;) I totally felt like a 1950's dapper bro. I guess a good pair of tweed trousers and a necktie will do that to you, I dunno. ;D~
Yep. I just had a hankerin' for some menswear goodness and this is what happened, basically. Hehe. My partner was kind enough to donate the necktie. Yes, I have my own necktie, but it's a thin one and I didn't think it would look as good with the outfit, especially given the deep, wide vest opening.
For a remix of old garments, I think this turned out pretty darn well. :DDD I'm glad that I opted for grey trousers instead of a pair of black pants. The latter would have helped create a classic monochromatic look, but the former adds some really nice contrast in color for a pleasantly unexpected flair. <3
Thrifted - Fedora, Black Vest, Vintage White Floral Collar Blouse, Men's Black Necktie (Gift),
Grey Trousers, ModCloth Black Satchel (Sale) & Vintage Men's Wingtip Tassel Loafers
c/o Sunglass.LA - Horn Rimmed Cat Eye Glasses
c/o Oasap - Black Double Breasted Coat