Aww, man. You guys! I totally had to rough it, this weekend. =[~ My Player Two went on some stupid business trip or whatever and left me home alone with Bonaparte, also known as The Ungrateful One. Gaaaaah. >_< As a result, I had to take these photos myself. Yes, I know! The horror! The horror!
Hahaha. Yeahhhhh. I quickly remembered just how much of an amateur photographer I really am. At any rate, it was an absolutely gorgeous day. I couldn't believe it was over 50 degrees. I didn't even really need my epic bag lady coat, but I knew that I'd need it later in the day, so I brought it along.
Yes, I decided to get out of my jim jams in order to get over my jim-jams. Hey! See what I did there? ;D
I bundled up the old tripod, my camera and a good book, tossed all of that shiz into my bike basket and set off for an evening of lazy sippin' and perusin' at a coffee shop. I admit, it was a very nice and relaxing bike ride. Along the way, I found a private spot to photograph what I wore for the day. :P
It goes without saying that this outfit is nothing fancy. Hehe. It's super simple. I wore my favorite vintage floral sweater underneath a pair of vintage dark denim overalls and that's about it, really. :3 I wanted to see if I could get away with wearing shortalls/overalls in the winter, again. Methinks I succeeded. :D
I'm not really sure what I was going for style wise. By that, I mean I'm not sure how I would categorize this look. I guess maybe I would call it rustic hipster granny chic? I dunno. I just know that I like it. :P
Yep. Yeah. At least I managed to do something productive instead of being a big ol' loaf at home. I got to brush up on my clicker hiding skills and I didn't get hassled by a single creeper! 'Twas a good day!
Thrifted - Vintage Floral Sweater, Vintage Dark Denim Shortalls, Vintage Men's Cap Toe Oxfords, Brown Tortoise Cat Eye Glasses (Swap Group) & ModCloth Black Tights (Sale)
c/o Jollychic - Oversized Brown Coat