Just for the hell of it, I decided to check Cotton's Facebook page. I'm a glutton for pain, I suppose. Anyway, I was surprised to find that a former contestant, Jade Rose McArthur, left a comment on Cotton's page in which she said that they had accused her falsely of cheating and disqualified her. Hmm... Interesting. First me, then Bianca, now Jade. My mother always says, 'things in the dark always have a way of coming to the light.' She's Jamaican. She has a lot of sayings. Hehe. She's also always right, as moms typically are. ;P I knew that Cotton's underhanded dealings would blow up on them eventually. McArthur's comments created quite a stir. Let's see how Cotton handles this.
You can run, Cotton, but you can't hide. Shame on you!
**Update: Cotton deleted people's comments rather than respond to them. Classy. 2/27/13**
**Update: Yet another former contestant and blogger, Braelynn Luedtke of Ravishingly, speaks out about similar treatment of her by Cotton. She posted on Cotton’s Facebook page asking for a public apology and she also posted about the issue on her blog. You can read that post here ** 2/27/13
**Update: Cotton deleted all other comments concerning this matter from their main page. Not only did they delete Braelynn's comment above, but apparently they have blocked her from accessing their Facebook page as well. Wow. Just wow.** 2/28/13