Hurray for short posts! Haha. I talk too much, methinks. ^_^ So, this will be quick! Of all of the items I'm wearing, only one of them is new. You've seen the coat here, the leggings here and the boots here.
The deer and snowflake print leggings are by Ryu and they're called the "Deer Me Out Leggings in Bark" on ModCloth. I love these leggings and I know I'll only have a couple more months to wear them before I start to get strange looks. Haha. I'm going to try to get as much wear out of them as I can.
Oh and it was 40 degrees when these photos were taken! I know?! You can see the melting snow behind me. It was so warm that I actually felt too hot in my coat. The weather is so confusing! >_<
I'm sure it will be ass cold again, this week, but who knows? Maybe Gaia will sprinkle in some beautiful, sunny days. She knows how much I hate surprises, too. I think we need to have another talk. ;P
Just In Case Bag (Sale) & ModCloth Deer Me Out Leggings in Bark (Sale)
UrbanOG - Military Lace Up Boots in Brown
Tulle - Red Single Breasted Coat