Hey! Happy Thursday! :D <3 I've got a couple new things to share, so let's get to it! First up is this fantastic dress from Tulle. I've had it since November 2012, so I've waited quite a long time to wear it.
The sky was clear and the sun was shining, so it was a perfect day to take it out for a spin. :D
I loved the colors and patterns when I first saw this for sale and I must say that the dress is even more impressive in person. I like the exposed zipper design and intricate cream lace hem. Pretty awesome!
My partner and I were on our way out to grab coffee, so I brought my lightweight TIL Darling jacket along. You never know when a coffee shop owner will decide to blast the AC! I love every excuse to wear this jacket and this is my third time wearing it. :P Click here to see the first style I created with it.
Finally, I garnished the outfit with these kick ass webbed tights. They are not the easiest garment for me to style since the patterns are so attention grabbing. I'm hoping there isn't too much of a clashing situation going on here. I just felt like they deserved to be worn after sitting in my drawer for such a long time. My goal is to try to wear them a few more times before the year is out. We'll see how that goes!
That's about it for new stuff! My partner and I spent the day drinking coffee and eating cupcakes. He worked on projects while I played Carcassonne on my laptop in between reading a book. Hehe. After that we went home and had leftovers before heading out to a bonfire party. It was a fun day!
Oh my f*cking Zeus! What is that?! Oh. Whew. Calm yourselves, bros. That's just my tattoo. Sometimes, I forget that I have an angry dragon on my back. Hehe. I got this right after I graduated from law school. It was quite liberating. I grew up in a strict household and tattoos were forbidden.
I couldn't even pierce my ears or put wacky colors in my hair. It was so BORING! Not being able to express yourself sucks a lot, you guys. So, I felt like after so many years, I earned this big honkin' tattoo. Haha. It took about 5 hours (lots of shading, you see) and I endured it all in one session.
Actually, if I remember correctly, after they patched me up and sent me on my way, I went to a house party later on that night. Nothing like boozin' and shmoozin' with a big white patch on your back. ;D
TIL Darling - Vegan Leather Knit Sleeve Jacket & Octopus Pendant
c/o Shop Calico - Barred Browline Circle Sunnies
ModCloth - Webbed Tights & Black Satchel (Sale)
UrbanOG - Black Lace Inset Brogues