In almost two years, you've seen me wear my fair share of hats. Beanies, pompoms, bears and cats, I don't discriminate. Haha. Next to cardigans, hats are one of my favorite things to use as a finishing touch for an outfit. I think that there are just some outfits that wouldn't emit the same emotion or have the same level of drama if a hat were not present. To help illustrate this thought, I'd like to share some of my past styles featuring my one and only black fedora hat. It's thrifted, totally awesome and, as you will see below, wholly transformative. So grab a beverage, sit back, relax and enjoy the ride. :D
Style is just one big experiment for me. It's an endless effort to discover the best possible combination of elements. Therein lies the fun! It can be frustrating, tedious and time consuming, but there's no substitute for that "Eureka!" moment when everything comes together and looks utterly unique and amazing. I'm always looking for that little something extra that leads me off the beaten path. So, you can imagine how I felt when I realized that I may not need to add another color or pattern or layer. I just needed to add one thing: a hat. It's so simple, it hurts to think about it. Haha. So, in my view, these outfits demonstrate just how easy it is to take your styles to the next level of awesomeness. ^_^
I mean, put aside the relative complexity or simplicity of the outfits above. Rather, I invite you to think about whether you would have had a different reaction to each outfit if the hat were absent. Do you think a different hat would have been better? If so, what kind? Maybe you think the addition of a hat was superfluous. Why? Just the exercise of thinking about this is enough, because I promise you, the next time you get dressed you will start to ask yourself whether something is missing and if I've done my job correctly, you'll grab some of your favorite hats and do some experimenting of your own. ;D