I've been inspired by fruit! O_o o_O Have you ever eaten a mulberry? They're awesome! They have a color similar to a blueberry, but with more light and dark variations. The texture is bubbly, like a raspberry. Anyway, I came across some photos of wild mulberries and, after that, I just couldn't get their colors out of my head. So, what you have before you is the product of that relentless fixation. Hehe.
The floral tunic paired with the high waisted navy corduroy shorts seemed like a no-brainer. I don't know why I haven't worn them together, until now. It was a little bit chilly, so I wore a vintage wool cardigan over the tunic. When I first saw the purple cardigan with those little gold buttons, I just had to have it. At the time, I didn't give any thought to how I would wear a purple cardigan, though. Haha.
So, when I got the cardigan out of the closet and it still had tags on it, I sighed. >_< I think it had been in there for over a year. F*cking tragic. I think the cardigan adds wonderful retro charm to the overall outfit, so I'm glad that I finally got a chance to wear it. I hope it won't be too long before I wear it, again. <3
Oh and I have a new hat! It belonged to one of my partner's relatives who passed away in the 80s. I haven't had a chance to research the brand name on the inside, but my best guess is that the trilby is from the 60s. It's a wee bit small for my bowling ball head, but omgosh do I cherish it. It's fantastic!
Yep. ^_^ I hope you like this rather simple outfit. I wore more or less simple styles over the past several days. I'm trying to get back into that, since it's getting warmer. Simple is so hard for me to do, but I think the colors of this outfit; the mix of textures with the corduroy and wool; the subtle floral print; and the super cute hat add the right amount of aesthetic interest. I even resisted wearing tights! *proud* ^_^
Thrifted - Vintage Brown Trilby (Gift), ModCloth Floral Tunic (Sale), Brown
Skinny Belt (Swap Group), ModCloth Octopus Pendant (Gift) &
ModCloth Navy High Waisted Corduory Shorts (Swap Group)
Warby Parker - Notched Key Hole Glasses In Tortoise
UrbanOG - Black Lace Inset Flats & Black Ankle Socks
Good Style Shop (Local) - Vintage Purple Cardigan