It was a gloomy, dark, overcast, rainy day. I didn't particularly enjoy being rained on. So, don't mistake my big smiles for love of the weather. Hehe. Though, I will say that I enjoyed the resulting drop in temperature. It just would have been nice if it could have been dry, too. Know what I'm sayin'? ;D
Despite the crap weather, I actually had a pretty good day. I spun records and I had a virtually perfect set. Yeah. I know. Holy Zeus. <3 So, I was feeling on top of the world. If you haven't already heard my latest mix, you can listen and download here. The mix that I'm working on right now won't be on my music blog until Fall. Anyway, I was super stoked about that. I also had a few tequila tonics in me. >:D
Yep. I had plenty to be happy about. Oh and these socks never fail to bring a smile to my goofy mug. How fuggin' adorable are these, you guys? Look at those cute, pudgy dumb dumbs. Omfg. <3 Oddly enough, I've found these socks difficult to style. So, this is actually my first time wearing them, even though I've had them for over a year. o_O O_o For my first attempt, I'm pleased, but I know I can do better. I'm already looking forward to the next opportunity to wear these. They deserve to be seen!
After these photos were taken, my partner and I headed to a bubble tea joint and then I believe I spent the rest of the day playing video games. Oh, actually, I did force my partner to watch Big Trouble In Little China, because I was absolutely appalled by the fact that he had never seen it. What planet has he been living on? I mean. Seriously. Wtf. Though, he also expressed major concern over the fact that I hadn't seen Labyrinth, so he made me watch it. Haha. Man. The things we do for love. Amirite? <3
Thrifted - Black Fedora, Navy/Pink Contrast Blouse & ModCloth Black Satchel (Sale)
Warby Parker - Notched Key Hole Glasses in Tortoise
c/o UrbanOG - Black Almond Toe Cut-Out Flats
c/o Fiery Finish Vintage - Denim Pinafore