Fun fact: You see that car parked behind me? Some lady rolled up and just sat there watching me the entire time. The. Entire. Time. T_T Hahaha. Why does this sh*t always happen to me? Whyyyyyy?
Soooo, it was one of those days where I actually managed to wake up early on the weekend (i.e. 9 AM), but was unable to actually get out the door before 2 PM. >_< I remember making omelettes for my myself and my partner and thinking, 'How is it 11 AM, right now? What had I been doing for the last two hours? It only took me 20 minutes to make these omelettes.....' Haha. I think it goes without saying that I'm not a morning person. It's just really hard for me to get myself into gear before noon. *shrug* Heh.
At any rate, I was up early, because I had plans to see a movie with a friend at 3 PM and I knew that if I woke up at the usual time (i.e. 11 AM/12 PM), I'd have to rush. As it turned out, the movie thing fell through, so I substituted a coffee date for 3:30 PM. First, I had to run to the post office and somehow I ended up leaving the house at 3:00 PM? Hahaha. Again, I don't know. I just don't know. So, my partner was kind enough to give me a lift, so I wouldn't have to bike. On the way to the post office, we got some quick snaps of the outfit I put together for the coffee date and that's when rando lady appeared. o_O Yeah...she stayed until we finished and started walking to our car and then she drove away. Awkward.
Anyway, as you can see, I just threw on a comfortable pair of shortalls, a warm sweater and an understated coat. I wore a long sleeved tunic underneath just for the big lace collar and added the horn rimmed glasses for a more palpable vintage vibe. There was a possibility that my friend and I would relocate from the coffee shop to an art exhibit, so I wanted to wear something that would be easy to walk around in. I don't know what it is about overalls/shortalls, but I just think they're crazy comfy. Well, as it turns out, my friend and I ended up just staying at the coffee shop, because we talked for like 3+ hours. Hehe. It's always nice when that happens, right? Time really does fly when you're having fun. :D
Thrifted - Black Fedora (Buffalo Exchange - Austin), Vintage Dark Denim Shortalls,
ModCloth Black Satchel (Sale) & Vintage Men's Cap Toe Oxfords
c/o Sunglass.LA - Horn Rimmed Cat Eye Glasses
ASOS - Grey Mixed Pattern Sweater