What? What do you mean, 'not for another four weeks'? Can't you see I'm sweating my ass off in this sweater? Of course, it's Spring. OK, you know what? No. No, we don't have to agree to disagree. Wtf is that, anyway? 'Agree to disagree'? How about I just throw you out of this window? No? What do you mean, 'No'? Mhmm. OK. Well, I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree then, now, won't we?
Can you believe that guy? I mean, come on. It's obviously Spring, now. :DDD I've never encountered a more beautiful, picturesque and temperate day in February. Should I have even bothered wearing a sweater? Probably not. When I get really hot, I develop a desire for defenestration. Hey! Dude! If you can hear me, I'm sorry, alright? I'm just hot! What? I said, 'I'm just HOT!' Feh. He's too far away, now.
This weather, though, you guys. *siiiiiigh* <3 ^___^ <3 Honestly, I had this sweater picked out from like...a week, ago. So, the fact that I'm wearing it is pretty much an act of defiance....I guess. Also, it has fruits and flowers on it. So, I mean. It's pretty awesome and Spring-y and whatnot. :P Anyway, it seems that all the good feels will come to an end, this weekend. It won't be freezing, but it won't be warm enough for bare legs, either. So, expect the usual coats and layers. Bah. >_< See you, next week!
Thrifted - Vintage Floral Sweater, Vintage Rust Corduroy Skirt, Brown Tortoise
Cat Eye Glasses (Swap Group) & ModCloth Brown Tassel Loafers (Gift)