The patent trim handbag sells for as much as $80, but I got it for just under $40. Also, I'm afraid most of my photos will feature these boat flats. Haha. They're just so comfy! Sorry! Go here for more info on quality, fit and a purchase link. The cost is under $15. The faded black skinny jeans were $30, btw.

Love this nerdy shirt! It would be awesome if it glowed in the dark, but it looks great in black light at a dance club. ;)
When Neil DeGrasse Tyson did a speaking engagement at my alma mater earlier this year, I wore this shirt and I spotted another girl in the crowd wearing it, too. Great minds, think alike, eh? ;D The pattern covers the entire shirt and they are accurately portrayed. The shirt is normally $20, but I scored it for $10. Huzzah!
ModCloth - Yellow Cardigan
Threadless - Constellations T-Shirt
Hot Topic - Black Skinny Jeans
UrbanOG - Black Boat Shoes