Say "hi," Jerry. Dammit, Jerry! I said.... Hmm. Jerry is a little shy, today, I guess. Heh. This is a bit of an off day outfit for me. I really didn't feel like going out in the negative temperatures, but I had just finished the final book in the Wheel of Time series (Yes! I know! I'm freeeeeee! T_T) and I wanted to sell the set at a used book store and buy more sweet ass books. So, I put something on and I took Jerry along.
He likes to sit on my head while I watch TV and while I sleep. So, he might as well sit on my head while I go shopping. He's good company, Jerry. <3 Turns out, he goes nicely with my outfit, too. :3 I've been obsessed with maroon and purple for awhile. I don't have too many purple or maroon things, though. So, I just did the best I could with what I had, while getting more wear out of some nice vintage pieces.
I ended up getting a dozen or so Dragonlance books while I was at the bookstore. I used to have a large set of those books, but they got thrown out accidentally while I was in the process of moving out-of-state about 10 years ago. I had been collecting them, since I was in my early teens. So, needless to say, I'm very excited to start building that collection, again. Brings back a lot of happy memories. <3
Thrifted - Brown Bear Hat (Gift), Vintage Maroon Dress,
ModCloth Deer Leggings (Sale) & Brown Boots
Good Style Shop (Local) - Vintage Purple Cardigan