Soooo, Gaia, in her infinite wisdom, decided that, even though it's Spring, it can still be Winter. By the way I'm pretty sure I used all of those commas correctly. Haha. o_O Umm, but yeah. She's all, 'Hey! The snow stopped, but I can still make it really f*cking cold. So, how you like me now, you squatters? How you like me, now?' *siiiiiigh* Damn, girl. Really? Seriously? Why you gotta be like that? T_T
It was one of those weird days where there was blue sky and sunshine. Everything looked OK and I felt pretty good untiiiiiiil this little thing called wind showed up. When its cold, invisible hand slaps you in the face, you instantly regret going outside. In fact, you regret ever getting out of bed in the first place. >_<
Wellllll, I refused to stay indoors. I had sh*t to do, man. Places to be! >:[~ ~ So, I put together the coziest outfit I possibly could. In all honestly, it's probably more appropriate for Fall, because of the color scheme. I wear so-called "Fall colors" all year round, though. I never understand why certain prints and colors are appropriate only for certain months. Who the hell comes up with those fashion rules?
I don't like being told what to do and I don't like restrictions on what I can wear and when. That's just me. I'm a stubborn asshole, I guess. I dunno. Hehe *shrug* Hmm.. Anyway, I picked some thick cotton fabrics that would block the wind, but that wouldn't make me too hot while sitting out in the sun. :D
I started with chevron patterned tights and then layered subtly patterned maroon over-the-knee socks over those. I had these maroon socks in my wishlist ever since I saw them on Sock It To Me, last year. The color is completely my style. I love deep plum! So, I was super stoked to receive the socks as part of my sponsorship with the company. As much as I want the cold weather to go away, I'm not thrilled about the fact that I'll have to wait until Fall to wear the socks, again. 秋を楽しみにしている。 *^_^*
The simplicity of the outfit was necessary due to the wonky weather, so I couldn't add complexity of color and patterns with a coat or cardigan. I would have boiled. Instead, I jazzed things up with the mix of prints in the tights and socks. It's a subtlety. However, the overall combo with the awesome tuxedo ruffle tunic and its pearl snap buttons satiated me. I did my best to adhere to the 'less is more' adage.
Sometimes, I get nervous about doing simple looks, because I think people have come to expect really big, bold, complex outfits from me. I think those types of outfits are the ones people get the most joy out of and that's understandable. I certainly like them! Still, I don't want to be a one-trick-pony and just always do insane things. Haha. I think I can get joy out of simpler looks, too. I rather like this one! <3
Thrifted - Sheer Chevron Pattern Tights, Black Fedora, Vintage Black Wingtip Tassel Loafers,
Modcloth Navy Tunic (Sale) & ModCloth Brown Satchel (Sale)
Warby Parker - Notched Key Hole Glasses In Tortoise
c/o Sock It To Me - Maroon Over-The-Knee Socks