Happy Wednesday! Here is a fantastic little bump by Ricci Rucker of Ruckazoid. Man, when I first heard "Another World" a couple years ago, I played it constantly. I think my partner wanted to f*cking kill me after awhile haha. I can't find it on-line, otherwise I'd share that one with you. The how-to video above is pretty cool, though! Check it out! I believe it's from 2011.
I didn't realize just how freakin' cool Rucker is until I started to dig into this professional career. As it turns out, he was the first to design "The Controller One," a turntable controlled with musical notes. Rucker's musical work also spurned the present day scratch DJ scene. Yep. He's a trail blazer. :D
I've got some great hip hop tracks lined up for the rest of this week, so keep checking back!