I love everything about John Maus. Absolutely everything. His music reminds me of Interpol and The National. His old stuff and his new stuff are so, so good. ⥠Lovin' it all. There's just something about the tone and vibe of his songs. There's something...delightfully off about it. Sometimes his tracks are contemporaneously flippant, introspective and deeply emotional. One commonality they all seem to harbor is a dark, 80's era exasperation that is my Achilles' heel. This is Track 5 from his latest album released in 2011 entitled "We Must Become the Pitiless Censors of Ourselves."
Maus has been active in the music scene since the early 90's, although he has released only three albums to date. He is quite a live performer as he apparently takes to physically abusing himself on stage and actively trying to unfetter himself (from what, no one knows). Knowing that just makes me love the guy even more. I think that outward display of neuroticism fits with this music perfectly.
He will be performing at Music Fest Northwest in Portland on Friday September 7. I'll be attending MFNW and I'm so sad that I won't get to see his live performance. Yes, I already have my schedule planned out. Hush! His show directly conflicts with that of Flying Lotus with whom I also have quite the love affair. It was a very tough choice to make. If you'll be in Portland the week of September 3, watch this guy perform live! From what I gather, it will be a real treat!