I'm showcasing some tracks with a ghostly twist, this week. I'll basically choose tracks that are fun and loosely related to Halloween by song title, album, lyrics and/or music video. So..yeah. =)
"Okay. Now, hush my little babies. It's time to learn!" - Black Debbie (Sealab 2021).
Com Truise is Seth Haley of Oneida, New York, although he currently calls New Jersey home. Prior to his music career, Haley was an Art Director. He submitted his resignation before his first self-release, "Komputer Cast." The track below is from the Komputer Cast (Ghostly Edition) DJ Mix (2010).
In June 2011, Haley released his first full, length album entitled "Galactic Melt." Listen to this album! It will blow you f*cking mind, you guys! I can't get enough of Seth Haley and hopefully neither will you! :D Here's one of my favorite tracks (#7) from Galactic Melt entitled "Broken Date."
So f*cking rad. Ahh, it reminds me of something Mitch Murder would put out. Haley's latest album is "In Decay" (July 2012). Below is Track 6 from that album. It is simply magnifique. Go buy this album and every album, single and EP that came before this! Do it! NOW! This guy is f*cking amazing.
Sorry. I got carried away there. I just love music, you guys. *sigh* <3 Don't worry. We're still bros. :D
Be sure to check back for lots of new tracks (and less virtual yelling). Hehe. Happy Monday!